Douglas County maintains approximately 300 miles of gravel roads – nearly 25 percent of the total County road network. Thirty percent of our in-house road maintenance staff is dedicated to taking care of gravel roads. There are six primary programs dedicated to maintaining gravel roads. Each of the programs is described below.
The State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment enacted Regulation 1 which requires the mitigation of dust particulates on roadways with an average of traffic volumes exceeding 200 vehicles per day. The County started treating several roadways in the 1990s in order to meet Regulation 1 requirements.
The County applies dust suppressant material to gravel roads as budget allows. The budget for dust suppression allows for the treatment of heavily traveled gravel roads and a limited number of residential roadways. The County may require financial participation from residents for the cost of the dust suppression material if the dust suppression budget is not adequate for additional roadway requests.
Residents wanting dust suppressant material applied to their roadway can contact Public Works Operations at 303-660-7480.