Are your license plates expiring soon?
If you’re not sure, there are three easy ways to find out: 1) check the stickers on your vehicle’s plates; 2) locate the expiration date on your vehicle registration card; and 3) watch for your courtesy renewal card in the mail.
While many of us do rely on the courtesy registration renewal cards to remind us that it is time to purchase our new license plate tabs, there is no need to wait for its arrival to renew your plates.
In fact, especially for those with a February renewal, you will want to know that changes implemented by the State of Colorado, will cause the February notices to be delayed. The February renewal cards – normally mailed the first week of January – will instead be mailed the first week of February.
The February renewal notices will be received before the renewal expiration date and those with a February expiration will also have their “grace period” for the renewal, requiring the renewal to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the date of expiration.
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) encourages you to use its online renewal service whenever possible. Visit to access dozens of online DMV services including vehicle registration renewals, motor vehicle records, first-time vehicle registration and more.
You can also renew your vehicle registration at Colorado MVExpress self-service kiosks located at six King Soopers stores in Douglas County, and many more throughout the state. It’s fast, easy, and you don’t need your renewal card – simply enter your license plate number, provide your payment and the machine will print your registration and new tabs immediately.
Visit for a complete list of motor vehicle services and customer service options.
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