
In observance of the Labor Day holiday, all Douglas County Government offices will be closed Monday, Sept. 2, 2024.  Offices will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 3, for normal business. Many County services are available 24/7 by visiting online services.



Help Me With...

Select from list
My Residential Property
My Driver's License or Vehicle Registration
Requesting Assistance
Health Department


Select from list
My Property Valuation
Understanding My Valuation
Paying My Property Tax
Neighborhood Sales
Building Permits
Vehicle Registration - New Stickers
Vehicle Registration - New Vehicle
Drivers License - New or Renew
New Resident Vehicle Registration
Adult Protection
Child Welfare
Child Support
Child Care
Financial Assistance
Medical Assistance
Food Assistance
Register to Vote / Update Voter Registration
Upcoming Election Information
Ballot Drop Box Locations
Voter Service and Polling Centers
Birth/Death Records
Restaurant Inspections
Community Health
Child Care Center Inspections
Septic System Inspections
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Disease Surveillance
Mental and Behavioral Health Education
Community Health and Clinical Services
Women, Infants and Children


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Televison Programming Schedule

Don’t have access to our HD Channel 881?  No worries, you can still watch all the videos from the programming schedule via the links below:

Program Schedule August 28 - September 3, 2024



Featured Video

Parks, Trails, Historic Resources and Open Space Fund - Live Town Hall - June 27, 2024

Future of the Fairgrounds - Live Town Hall - May 16, 2024

Homeless Initiative 2024 Summer Point-in-Time Count News Conference - Aug. 16, 2024

History Programming

Jewel in the Rockies

Chasing Fortune, Chasing Dreams

Legends and Oddities - Kit Carson's Last Campfire

Historic Landmarks - Greenland

Historic Landmarks - Littleton Creamery Dairying


Land Use Meeting / Public Hearing (Aug. 27, 2024)

Business Meeting (Aug. 27, 2024)

Board of Health Meeting (June 13, 2024)

Homeless Initiative Executive Committee Meeting (July 11, 2024)

Water Commission Meeting (Aug. 26, 2024)

Special Public Hearing (April 2, 2024)

Public Service Announcements

Douglas County has HEART




Know the signs of human trafficking

Welcome to DC

Motor Vehicle Service Options

Good vibes at the 2024 Douglas County Fair & Rodeo

Relatable mental health support for Veterans

Property Tax 101

Wildfire Mitigation Map

Work Zone Safety

Celebrating Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Let's Talk about our Mental and Emotional Health

Elijah's Favorite Road Work Crew

East West Trail

See how your vote counts in 2024

Donna on Spruce Mountain

Prairie Canyon Ranch Barn Restoration