If you drive or vote, state policy may impact portions of your daily life. It’s good to know your voice is being heard at the state level.
Douglas County Clerk and Recorder Sheri Davis was appointed to two state-level committee positions, helping shape policy to better serve you.
“I feel like it’s my duty to share efficient and effective local government processes that we’re already using or piloting here in Douglas County with great success for the benefit of other Colorado communities as well,” Davis said.
Davis was appointed to the Colorado State Vehicle Services DRIVES Governance Committee in January for a term of two years. DRIVES is the State of Colorado Motor Vehicle operating system used by all County Clerk and Recorder offices to provide motor vehicle services to citizens. Davis’s responsibilities as a DRIVES Governance Committee Member include the development of operational and budget plans and proposals in collaboration with the Department of Revenue and legislative committees to enhance the state’s motor vehicle infrastructure.
“Our Douglas County Motor Vehicle team uses the DRIVES system every day and is in a unique position to provide critical feedback and opportunities for innovation in the way we deliver motor vehicle services to our community,” Davis said. “It is my responsibility to bring these opportunities for continuous improvement to the stakeholder groups at the state level.”
In her 25 years working for Douglas County, Davis previously led the Motor Vehicle division, as well as the Recording and Elections divisions, before being elected Clerk and Recorder and taking office in January 2023. This wealth of experience in providing critical government services has also led to Davis assuming another state-level leadership position.
In April, Davis was named the Central Region Chair for the Colorado County Clerks Association Executive Committee. The Colorado County Clerks Association (CCCA) is a non-governmental entity and includes in its membership the 64 County Clerks of Colorado and their designees. In her role as Central Region Chair, Davis works with the Clerks from Arapahoe, Adams, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, and Weld counties to collaborate and advocate for best practices statewide to ensure the secure conduct of elections and the effective, efficient, and quality delivery of local government services to citizens.
“It is my mission for Douglas County to continue to be a leader in serving our citizens with excellence,” Davis said. “My involvement in key roles on the state level allows me to use years of experience, data, and successful initiatives to provide solutions that can be applied on a larger scale for the benefit of all Colorado citizens.”
Learn more about the role of Clerk and Recorder in Douglas County on our website.
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