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Commissioners urge continued immigration law reform efforts following failed bill

Douglas County Commissioners express frustration over the failure of SB 25-047

Posted on February 26, 2025 2025News and Events


Your local leaders remain committed to public safety and immigration reform, despite a State Senate Committee’s decision to vote to indefinitely postpone legislation (SB 25-047) that proposed to allow cooperation between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and local governments and law enforcement agencies.

Currently under Colorado law, local governments and law enforcement agencies are limited in their interactions with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Colorado state Sen. Mark Baisley and Rep. Max Brooks, who both represent parts of Douglas County, introduced Senate Bill 25-047 in January to allow more cooperation.

“Commonsense Coloradans know it’s unacceptable for illegal immigrants to commit violent crimes, post bond, and disappear. Sanctuary state laws must be repealed to protect our citizens and ensure we continue to receive federal funding under this administration which is now at risk of being cut,” said Commissioner and Board Chair Abe Laydon.

“Keeping our law enforcement in the dark prevents us from fighting crime and protecting our citizens,” said Commissioner George Teal. “The right thing to do is work with the federal government on issues of illegal immigration to keep our community safe.”

Commissioner Kevin Van Winkle shared, “The State is ignoring real-life public safety concerns in our communities that we here in Douglas County will continue to acknowledge and act on. My sincere thanks to Sen. Baisley and Rep. Brooks for standing strong for Colorado citizens and our county’s public safety priorities.”

The Board has been working toward effectual immigration reform since 2023:




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