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Have you mitigated for wildfire? Let’s split the cost in 2025.

Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation Cost-Share program offers homeowners 50% financial match toward mitigation efforts

Posted on February 27, 2025 2025News and Events


Whether you’re new to Douglas County or a long-time resident, you know that fast-moving wildfires can hit anywhere at any time. Wildfires are the No. 1 natural hazard in Douglas County, which means living in the peace and tranquility of our beautiful natural areas comes with the personal responsibility to mitigate wildfires.

You can act this spring to protect your home, property, and neighborhood – we can help.

Douglas County is bringing back its Wildfire Mitigation Cost-Share program, which will provide a 50% financial match to homeowners up to $10,000 to help them provide defensible space, reduce hazards and increase community safety and resilience to wildfires. Additionally, the county will contribute up to $50,000 for community projects and encourage adjacent residents to apply together. Applicants are required to provide a detailed scope of work, two contractor estimates and a site map.

The current application period is open from March 3 to April 3, and a second application period is anticipated in late summer 2025.

In 2024, Douglas County’s Wildfire Mitigation Cost-Share program helped reduce wildfire fuels on more than 107 properties, including 6 HOA projects. This year, the goal is to target more projects and homes within the Wildland Urban Interface, where developed land meets natural habitat.

Learn more about creating defensible space and see real-life examples of wildfire mitigation techniques and tips on our webpage.

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