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Assessors Office

Business Personal Property

In addition to real property valuations, the Assessor is required by Colorado law to value all business personal property for taxation purposes. The owner of taxable personal property as of Jan. 1 must file a declaration schedule if the total actual value (market value) of all the personal property is greater than $56,000 per business.

Business personal property includes machinery, equipment and leasehold improvements specific to business purposes.  All personal property is taxable in Colorado unless specifically exempt by the Colorado Constitution.  All equipment not exempt by law must be listed on the schedule. Exempt assets include software and stand-alone equipment with an initial cost under $350.

Business personal property is valued in accordance with state guidelines and proper appraisal practice. Factors and lives tables are provided by the Colorado State Division of Property Taxation to assist counties with valuation. If the depreciated actual value of business personal property is found to be below the statutory minimum of $56,000, the account is inactivated and the property owner will receive no further correspondence from the Assessor’s Office. If the account value is over $56,000, the property owner will receive a Notice of Valuation in mid-June.

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Are You a New Business?

Welcome to Douglas County! A personal property declaration must be filed each year by April 15th if the total depreciated value of all personal property owned within the county exceeds $56,000.

There are several options for filing a declaration:

  • File Online -Once a property record has been established, businesses have the option to view and file their asset listings online. Online filing is secure, saves time, reduces paperwork and improves efficiency. Businesses that file electronically will receive an e-mail confirmation.
  • File a hard copy by mail – The declaration must be postmarked by April 15th to be considered timely filed. An asset list, spreadsheet, or Federal Depreciation Schedule (form #4562) may be attached to the form.
  • File by e-mail – A scanned copy of the declaration may be e-mailed to:  [email protected].

Additional Resources

Filing Deadlines

Each year, the county Assessor mails declaration schedules as soon after January 1st as possible.

If the owner does not receive a declaration schedule in the mail, one may be obtained from the Assessor’s Office or online. The declaration schedule must be received by the Assessor by the April 15th deadline every year.

Failure to receive a declaration schedule does not relieve the business owner of the requirement to file.

Filing Extensions

The deadline for filing may be extended if, prior to April 15th, the Assessor receives a written request and $20.00 for a ten‐day extension, or $40.00 for a twenty‐day extension. The extension applies to all personal property schedules (single or multiple accounts) that a person is required to file in the county.


The late filing penalty is $50.00 or 15 percent of the taxes due, whichever is less. If the owner of taxable business personal property fails to file a schedule, state law dictates that the property valuation should be based on the best information available. A best information available (BIA) value is calculated from aggregated asset lists provided by similar businesses. In addition, the Assessor may add a penalty of up to 25 percent of assessed value of the undeclared omitted property.

Best Information Available Valuation

If a Declaration is not provided to the Assessor’s Office, the appraisers must develop a “Best Information Available” (BIA) value that is based on asset listings provided by comparable business types.  It is important to understand that according to Colorado Statute and case law, the exclusive means of appealing a BIA valuation is the Assessor level Protest in June (Property Tax Administrator v. Production Geophysical, 860 P.2d 514 (Colo. 1993)). A BIA valuation may not be appealed through the Abatement process.

Tax Exemptions for Business

For property taxes, the State of Colorado exempts the first $56,000 in actual value of business personal property per business.

Factors and Lives from the State of Colorado

Tables published by the State of Colorado Division of Property Taxation website are available here.

Property Valuation and Taxation for Business and Industry in Colorado

Brochure published by the State of Colorado Division of Property Taxation is available here.