
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction.  Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.



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Board of County Commissioners

Broadband (ARPA Funding)

The American Rescue Plan Act allows a variety of expenditures to support broadband access for Douglas County citizens, including but not limited to:

  • “Last mile” broadband projects in underserved areas, defined as areas not currently served with a “wireline” connection delivering speeds of at least 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. Projects must provide symmetrical upload and download speeds of 100 Mbps upon completion in most circumstances.  
  • Internet access programs for disadvantaged households. 
  • ARPA funds claimed under the revenue loss provisions could be broadly used for governmental purposes.  

Douglas County’s Broadband initiative sought to identify the scope of unserved and underserved areas in the County and make funding available to extend service through either middle mile or last mile investments in partnership with providers. The County’s County Broadband Master Plan, developed by H.R. Green, initially identified 15,000 to 18,000 residences in Douglas County that are unserved or underserved by existing broadband services.

Douglas County sought partnerships with providers in conjunction with the State of Colorado Broadband Office’s Capital Projects Fund grant program. Through the grant cycle, broadband service was extended into unserved and underserved areas with little demand for the County’s proposed supplement funding. When the Colorado Broadband Office submitted its application for Federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) funds, it committed to ensure universal high-speed broadband coverage to all Colorado households by 2027 with Federal BEAD funds. Based on these outcomes, Douglas County redirected its planned broadband investments into other initiatives as described in this Recovery Plan.

Contracted Expenditures

Broadband Study

Broadband Study – The study will improve our collective understanding of current connectivity and any connectivity issues our citizens and businesses may have and help determine the next steps to take to keep the County as a top destination to work, live and play. The initial phase of the study includes gathering input from county residents, businesses, and key stakeholders which will be compared against industry data. The study and analysis were completed in March 2022 by HR Green, a national broadband consulting firm that has worked extensively throughout Colorado.