
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction.  Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.


In observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, all Douglas County Government offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20.  Offices will reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 21, for normal business. Many County services are available 24/7 by visiting online services.



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Cost-Share Program FAQs

Do you have questions about the County’s Wildfire Mitigation Cost-Share Program?  View the frequently asked questions below.

Why is Douglas County funding mitigation efforts?

By engaging communities to work together to reduce hazardous fuels on a larger scale the chance for property loss during a wildfire can be significantly reduced. Eligible actions under this funding program will work to increase the safety and effectiveness of first responders and promote community resilience.

Is my property eligible for funding assistance?

Proposed projects must be within Douglas County’s WUI, owned by the applicant, and contain a wildfire hazard as determined by Douglas County wildfire mitigation staff.

Is there a maximum amount of funding I can apply for?

Yes. Award amounts are capped at $5,000.00 for individual projects and $25,000.00 for community projects. Please Note – If applicants request funding of $5,000 or above multiple bids must be submitted.

Generally, what types of projects are eligible for funding?

Eligible project types include, but are not limited to:

  • Creating defensible space on individual properties, linking defensible spaces on multiple neighboring properties, and community efforts.
  • Community fuel breaks.
  • Fuels reduction on community-owned properties that are immediately adjacent to homes.
  • Hazardous fuels reduction in the HIZ outside of organized communities.
  • General community thinning, community demonstration sites.
  • Community chipping that supports the creation and maintenance of defensible space and improves forest health and community resilience.

How will the contractor be paid?

Upon completion of the project, Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation staff will visit the property to ensure all parameters have been met.  After that, the homeowner is responsible for paying the contractor their portion.  Once the homeowner supplies the final invoice and proof of payment, Douglas County Finance will release the 50% match to the contractor directly.

Do not pay the contractor in full, Douglas County will make payment to the contractor, not the homeowner.  

Creation of or maintenance of defensible space

Defensible space actions must reflect Firewise® principles, CSFS standards, and mitigation best practices.

Can we implement community or large individual property fuel breaks?

Yes.  Fuel breaks must reflect accepted science-based practices for the State of Colorado including the Colorado State Forest Service Guide to Community Fuel Breaks, USFS General Technical Reports (GTR) for species present, and mitigation best practices.

Community Chipping

Community chipping proposals require group participation in close geographic proximity, i.e. on the same street, on adjacent neighborhood streets. Applicants must apply as one entity and list the residents and property addresses that are participating in the chipping program.

The community hires a contractor for chipping or hauling if the community prefers. Material recycling is encouraged and delivered to a facility that will process material. Material may be chipped or tub ground in the neighborhood for future use as long as it is not placed immediately adjacent to a structure.

Can I contribute my own time and materials as a 50% match?

In-kind contributions will not be considered for match.

What types of contractors and professionals complete this type of work?

The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) Franktown field office maintains a list of forestry and mitigation contractors and consultants.   Arborists and landscape contractors often do this type of work as well.  Contractors must have experience with mitigation work.

Applicants must submit a detailed contractor proposal, including a written narrative/scope of work supported with a map graphic. Use of the DC Maps program is encouraged. Applicants are encouraged to obtain multiple bids projects to obtain the most competitive bid.  The proposed scope of work and a coordinated site visit with the applicant and contractor must take place before receiving project approval.

When can work on my project begin?

Approved projects will receive an award notification and next steps. Once you sign and return the award agreement, you may contact your selected contractor to begin work.

How long do I have to complete my project?

After receiving your award notification and signing the agreement recipients will have until January 15, 2025 to complete their mitigation project. After January 15, 2025, if work has not begun Douglas County reserves the right to cancel the initial funding agreement/(contract) And withdraw the award.

What criteria are considered during the selection process?

Projects will be selected by Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation staff.  Criteria include but are not limited to:

  • Present hazardous fuel conditions and to what extent those conditions will be reduced
  • Geographical location
  • What efforts have been undertaken by the homeowner or community in the past to reduce the hazardous conditions
  • How many people will this mitigation effort affect?

Information required by the contractor

  • Contact information
  • Scope of work
  • Narrative
  • W9
  • Map/graphic showing the area(s) to be mitigated
  • Total cost

Will I be required to perform post-project maintenance?

Yes.  Douglas County expects you to make a “good-faith” effort to maintain your fuel reduction project.  Over time, treated vegetation will regrow and mitigated fire risk will return.  By being proactive, project parameters can be easily maintained.  The use of common lawn maintenance tools is enough to keep vegetation in check. DCWM may reach out at annual to bi-annual intervals to monitor treatment effectiveness.

Who can I talk to if I have questions regarding the application?

Any questions should be directed to [email protected]

How do I apply?

Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page, and complete the online application.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed. 

How will I know if I have been accepted into the program?

A member of the DC wildfire mitigation staff will contact you via email once all of the applications have been reviewed.  It is important that you do not begin work until after you have been contacted and have signed a contract.  Any work performed before signing the contract is ineligible for funding, there will be no retroactive payments.