Pictured: 2024-25 grant recipients with the Board of Douglas County Commissioners
As a result of the 2001 voter-approved Douglas County Developmental Disabilities Mill Levy, more than $6.3 million has now been awarded to organizations delivering local services to support residents with developmental disabilities and their families, including $543,813 awarded for use in 2025.
With a focus on meeting the needs of residents with developmental disabilities, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners approved grant awards to local municipalities and programs during a Business Meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10.
This year, grants range between $4,300 and $71,400 and are awarded to projects and services that demonstrate innovative and collaborative efforts, as well as best practices in serving those with developmental disabilities. Grants were awarded in the areas of job training, housing, and transportation, among other services.
The Developmental Disabilities Mill Levy Advisory Council reviewed the grant applications for 2024 and recommended organizations receive funds. See a full list of grant recipients here.
The County distributes 93% of the Developmental Disabilities Mill Levy funds to the County’s community-centered board, Developmental Pathways, 1.5% is used for Treasurer’s fees, while the remaining 5.5% is set aside for the Grant Program.
For more information about the Douglas County Developmental Disabilities Mill Levy Grant program and specific information about program awards, visit our webpage.
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