The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction. Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction. Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.
Thomas named the state’s representative of local government representing a County.
Posted on July 23, 2021 2021Health and Human Services
Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas has been appointed to the state’s new Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force Subpanel. Colorado Senate Minority Leader Chris Holbert made the appointment.
The 25-member subpanel to which Commissioner Thomas was appointed was established to make recommendations to the state’s new Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force.
“It is my personal and professional privilege to represent Colorado Counties to help ensure access to behavioral health and substance use disorder services for all. As demonstrated by my support for the sustainability of Douglas County’s Mental Health Initiative and its programs, as well as my decades-long dedication to suicide prevention, I care deeply about this public health issue and its impacts,” said Thomas.
The task force was established this year via SB21-137 and its recommendations will be funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, enacted by the federal government to provide support to state, local, and tribal governments in responding to the impact of COVID-19 and to assist them in their efforts to contain the effects of COVID-19 on their communities, residents, and businesses.
The task force and its subpanel are expected to convene in August 2021 and meet biweekly from October/November until January 2022.
A final report to the legislature is due January 21, 2022. The timelines for task force and subpanel meetings are flexible and intended to serve as a guideline. For additional information about the task force and subpanel visit here.
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