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Do you know how to prepare your home for frigid temperatures?

Black Hills Energy offers practical money-saving tips

Posted on January 9, 2025 2025News and Events


Information courtesy of Black Hills Energy:

Arctic-cold air is set to descend on Colorado, including Douglas County, for about a week starting Thursday. Black Hills Energy is sharing steps you can take now to save money.

“Weather changes are a key driver in our customers’ usage and bills,” said Chris Downey, Black Hills Energy General Manager for Colorado Gas Operations. “We want people to know about a few simple things they can do right now to help save money and energy ahead of the low temperatures.”

  1. Be winter ready – Planning begins long before these kinds of weather events. As the cold sets in and customer demands for energy increase, the company focuses on delivering safe, reliable energy, while equipping our customers with ways to help reduce their usage. Click here for weatherization tips: Weatherization | Black Hills Energy
  2. Lower your thermostat to 68 degrees – Making a small adjustment to your home temperature can have a big impact. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 10% a year by simply turning your thermostat back seven to 10 degrees for eight hours a day from its normal setting.
  3. Lower your water heater setting – Lowering your temperature setting a few degrees can also save energy. Reducing your water heater temperature to under 120 degrees can save you up to 10% on your water heater costs.
  4. Utilize the natural heat of the sun – Opening blinds for all south-facing windows is a great way to let the sun heat your home during the day, so that you can turn down the thermostat and turn off the lights. Remember to close your drapes or blinds at night, which will help insulate your home from any energy leaking from windows.
  5. Keep the warm air in – Use kitchen and bath ventilating vans only when necessary. In just one hour, these fans can blow away a house full of warm air.

“Black Hills Energy is ready for winter,” Downey said. “Although there is currently no cause for concern with these low temperatures, we are watching the weather carefully and are prepared for our technicians to support our communities when necessary.”

The company is also reminding the community of important natural gas meter safety tips. Snow and ice buildup on your meter can create a safety hazard and even cut off the flow of natural gas to your heating equipment and other appliances. Please follow these guidelines:

Natural Gas Winter Safety Tips

For more information on cold weather energy efficiency tips, including steps to take after the cold weather passes, visit blackhillsenergy.com.

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