Emergency guide and activity book available at douglas.co.us
Posted on November 23, 2022 2022News and EventsPublic Safety
What do you do if a smoke alarm goes off in your home? Do your kids know what to do?
According to the National Fire Protection Association, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and then Christmas Eve. Now is the time to think about your emergency plans and engage your family.
Douglas County and its public safety partners want to help your family be prepared with a family-friendly activity and planning book. This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of fire safety – for both home fires and wildfires.
The activity book is available online and includes checklists, a place to draw your own evacuation plans, coloring pages and tips for parents. Visit the County’s Wildfire Initiative webpage for more information on wildfires and to download the activity book.
If you aren’t signed up to receive emergency alerts through CodeRED, sign up today.
This activity book is brought to our community with support from Castle Rock Fire and Rescue, Franktown Fire District, South Metro Fire Rescue, West Douglas County Fire Protection District, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, CodeRED emergency alerts, the National Fire Protection Association, and the state of Colorado.
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