Douglas County Commissioner George Teal has been chosen by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) to serve as their alternate representative to the Statewide Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC).
STAC serves an important role in advising the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Transportation Commission on local, regional and statewide transportation needs. Members represent Colorado’s 15 urban and rural Transportation Planning Regions and two Indian Tribes. Commissioner Teal is one of two representatives from DRCOG.
Commissioner Teal also serves on DRCOG’s Board of Directors and Performance and Engagement Committee, furthering transportation projects across the region that benefit the residents of Douglas County. He previously served on DRCOG’s Finance and Budget Committee.
“Transportation is foundational to our lives – how we live, work and enjoy our County,” Teal said. “I am honored to represent Douglas County’s transportation interests at the state level.”
Transportation is one of six core priorities for the Board of Douglas County Commissioners supported by historic investments (nearly 50% of the Douglas County annual budget) to ensure safe, accessible and reliable transportation for current and future residents.
Commissioner Teal was elected Douglas County Commissioner, District II, in November 2020 and currently serves as Vice Chair of the Board of County Commissioners.