How should Douglas County plan for its water future?
Now is the time for your voice to be heard on this question, and more, as the Board of Douglas County Commissioners invites you to submit your application for the new Douglas County Water Commission. Applicants must be Douglas County residents.
The goal of the Commission – through a culture of collaboration and mutually beneficial outcomes – is the integration of existing water provider plans into the 2050 Comprehensive Douglas County Water Plan that will:
- Identify strategic policies addressing water infrastructure and storage, supply acquisition, reclamation, conservation practices, the water-land use nexus, and agricultural efficiency.
- Broaden public awareness of and familiarity with issues of water supply and provision of services in Douglas County through sustainable community engagement and education initiatives.
“Decades of Douglas County citizen survey data tell us that an adequate water supply that meets the long-term needs of county residents is a top priority of more than 70% of the community,” said Douglas County Commissioner and Board Chair Abe Laydon. “And nearly 80% of respondents in the 2023 survey agreed with the statement, ‘Douglas County should centrally coordinate many water issues now administered by multiple water districts.’ This is our opportunity to collaborate and leverage the work, wisdom, and resources of many to ensure that Douglas County has the water future demanded by our current and future residents, as well as our business community.”
Members of the Water Commission may be local elected officials, those who bring to the Commission their experience on water district or metro district boards; others with management oversight or with a professional background in water; and a representative who is the voice of rural Douglas County.
The Commission will commence in the third quarter of 2023 and meet six to eight times during the first 12 months with the focus of developing the Douglas County Water Plan.
Please provide your application for consideration by close of business on Friday, Aug. 11.