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    An Election Watcher is an eligible voter who has been appointed by an authorized appointing entity to witness and verify the conduct of an election. Candidates, political parties, and issue committees are eligible to appoint Election Watchers depending on the type of election.

    To be an Election Watcher, you must:

    • Be an eligible voter in Colorado;
    • Be selected by an authorized appointing entity; and
    • Not be a candidate on the ballot nor an immediate family member by blood, marriage, or civil union to the second degree if watching for the candidate.

    Election Watchers do not need to be a resident of a county to watch in a particular county.


    Interested Election Watchers and Appointing Entities Follow These Steps: 

    1. The entity appointing you as an Election Watcher must provide you with a completed and signed Certificate of Appointment for each date and location you intend to observe election activities. You must present the Certificate of Appointment to the designated Watcher Contact and take and sign the oath stated on the bottom of the form when you arrive at either the central count facility or a Voter Service and Polling Center to perform your duties.
    2. Please note: There is a separate Certificate of Appointment for Watchers who intend to observe a ballot drop box location. Ballot drop box watchers must present this completed form, the certificate of completed watcher training, and a copy of the identification badge they are required to wear while watching a drop box to the Douglas County Elections office prior to watching a ballot drop box. The identification badge must read: “Official election watcher for (appointing candidate or entity)” in bold-faced type that is clearly legible.
    3. Familiarize yourself with both the Colorado Revised Statutes and Election Rules governing Election Watchers prior to your appointment.
    4. To observe election activities where confidential and personally identifiable information may be within view, you must complete the Colorado Secretary of State online watcher training course. Click here for more information and to link to the training. Print your certificate of completion and bring it with you to each location where you will perform your duties.
    5. To streamline the process at the Douglas County Elections office or Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC), please provide a copy of your current voter registration record with your Certification of Appointment. Doing so will show you are an eligible voter in Colorado. You may obtain your current voter registration record from Colorado’s online voter registration system at GoVoteColorado.gov
    6. Each appointing entity is required to provide Douglas County Elections with a list of their appointed Watchers before each election. Please use this Watcher Appointment List and email it to Douglas County Watcher Contact, Lindsey Gross, lgross@douglas.co.us, to notify the Douglas County Elections office of Watcher names and the time and location where Watchers will be observing. Call Watcher Contact Lindsey Gross at 303-814-4392 if you have any questions.

    Please Remember: