Is CO 105 (Perry Park Road) your north/south route for recreation or work? You’ll want to know how the Colorado Department of Transportation and Douglas County are partnering to improve safety.
Later this year, CDOT and Douglas County will begin a safety project along 18 miles of CO 105 between the Douglas/El Paso County Line and Wolfensberger Road. The project will include paved shoulder widening, guardrail installation at the curves near Red Rock Drive, and installation of rumble stripes along the middle and sides of the road that are designed to alert drivers when they are tracking outside of the travel lane.
The $2.1 million project is being funded by a Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program grant, with a 10% funding match from Douglas County.
Virtual Open House
Visit our project web page for an online open house to get a detailed look at planned improvements and provide your feedback. The open house will remain online throughout construction, which is expected to begin Sept. 26.
During construction, drivers can expect weekday delays up to 15 minutes. Please watch for flaggers along with one-way and stopped traffic. Working hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
Stay updated by signing up for emails at Scroll down and click “sign up now.” Choose “Cone Zone/Road Work.”
Construction is expected to wrap up by the end of the year.
A safe and accessible multimodal transportation network is one of the Board of County Commissioner’s six core priorities. Read more about the County’s transportation initiatives online.