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Health Department

Animal Bites and Rabies

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that results in severe inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. Rabies is transmitted through animal bites and scratches. All mammals, including humans, are susceptible to rabies. Immediate medical treatment is required if a person or domestic animal is exposed to rabies. If untreated, rabies infections are almost always fatal. With appropriate treatment, rabies infections are 100% preventable.

Skunks and bats are the most significant sources of rabies in Colorado, but other wild animals including raccoons, foxes, and coyotes can also be infected. Get data on rabies testing in Colorado from CDPHE’s Rabies Data. Rabid animals usually show abnormal behavior, such as aggression, confusion, lack of fear of people, drooling, and poor coordination. Domestic animals including dogs, cats, horses, and livestock can become infected if they have contact with a rabid animal.

Click here to report an animal encounter.

I see a sick wild animal. What should I do?

Do not touch, feed, or interact with wild animals. Teach children to leave wild animals alone. Keep your pets away from wild animals by keeping them on a leash or in your control when contact with wild animals is possible.

Wildlife may carry the rabies virus. By getting close to them, you risk becoming infected through bites and scratches. Animals willing to be touched are more likely to be unhealthy.

Animal control cannot remove wild animals. If you would like the animal removed, contact a wildlife removal and relocation company.

A sick wild animal is not an emergency. Do not call 9-1-1 to report a sick animal.

What should I do if I touched a sick or dead wild animal?

If you or a family member has any contact with an animal that could have rabies, contact the Douglas County Health Department immediately at 720-643-2400 or report the exposure online.

If you were bit or scratched by an animal that carries rabies (even if you don’t know if it was ill), wash any wounds immediately with soap and water, and seek medical care.

Depending on the nature of the exposure and the availability of the animal for testing, you may need treatment to prevent rabies or other infections.

Small animals like squirrels and mice cannot transmit rabies.

What should I do if I have a bat in my house?

Bats can transmit rabies through bites and scratches. Because bats are small, their bites or scratches may not be recognized.

If a bat enters your home, avoid contact and create a direct path to open exterior doors to allow it to escape. If you wake up with a bat in your room, or if a bat is in the room of an infant or small child. If you do have a bat exposure and are in possession of the bat, contact us immediately to determine if animal testing is appropriate. Do not attempt to capture a bat if you have not had contact with the bat.

What should I do if a dead animal is on my property?

If you find a dead rodent or bird, do not touch it with your bare hands. Wear gloves, pick up the animal with a long-handled shovel, and place it in a plastic bag. Tie a knot, and place that in a second bag.  Tie a knot in the second bag and dispose of the bag in a lidded outdoor trash container. Remove the gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

What should I do if a dead animal is on the street?

Dead animals (larger than a rabbit) on public streets are picked up by a dead animal removal service administered by the Douglas County Sheriff Office. To request a dead animal to be picked up, call DCSO Dispatch at 303-660-7500.

Dead animals on Highways or Interstates are the responsibility of the Colorado Department of Transportation. For these services, call 303- 757-9514.

How can I protect my pets from wild animals?

Vaccinate your pets (dogs and cats) to protect them from the rabies virus. If your pets are vaccinated, make sure their vaccinations are up to date.

Keep pets indoors to limit their contact with wild animals. Maintain control of pets when they are outdoors. Keep pet food indoors.

Prevent entry by wildlife into your home. Seal cracks and holes, and screen chimneys and vents. Remove debris around your home that could provide nesting areas for wildlife.

Who should I contact with animal concerns?

  • If a wild animal is a nuisance on your property, contact a private wildlife removal and relocation company.
  • If you have been bitten by a domestic pet, immediately call the animal control agency that applies to your jurisdiction. If you live in an incorporated city, call your local animal control agency. If you live in unincorporated Douglas County, call Douglas County Animal Services at 303-660-7529. If the bite happens after normal hours of operation, contact your jurisdiction’s police department (or Douglas County Sheriff’s Office for unincorporated Douglas County at 303-660-7500). Colorado law requires you to report all domesticated animal bites within 12 hours.
  • If you have had contact with a wild animal, seek medical attention and report the encounter to the Douglas County Health Department through the online form or by phone at 720-643-2400.
  • If your dog, cat, horse, or livestock animal has been in contact with an animal that could have rabies, seek veterinary attention and report the incident to the Douglas County Health Department through the online form or by phone at 720-643-2400.
  • If you are having problems with stray dogs or cats, call your local animal control agency.

Do not call 911 to report a sick animal.

I'm a health care provider. When should my patient receive rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)?

Before beginning rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), contact a Douglas County Communicable Disease Epidemiologist at 720-643-2400. An epidemiologist is available 24/7 to conduct an assessment and determine appropriate next steps.