The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction. Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction. Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.
Sewage & Chemical Spills
Chemicals and sewage can be released by a business, residence, storage tank, sewer, pipeline, oil or gas well, or after a transportation accident. Following a sewage or chemical spill or release in Colorado, the business or individual responsible for the spill must report it. The responsible party is defined as the owner of the spilled material. If the material owner is unknown, the land owner where the spill occurred is the responsible party.
Non-emergency spills should be reported to Environmental Health staff at 720-643-2400.
Examples of non-emergency spills include residential spills and illegal dumping of yard waste, spills of less than 5 gallons that do not reach inlets, stormwater discharge from construction sites, and concrete wash water.
If the release or spill involves a hazardous substance with immediate risk, dial 911 to notify emergency response.
Contact CDPHE’s 24-hour incident reporting hotline at 1-877-518-5608 or report a hazardous material or petroleum product spill using CDPHE’s online Spill or Release Report Form for the following:
Examples of emergency spills include:
A release of any chemical, oil, petroleum product, sewage, etc., which may enter the water of the State of Colorado (which includes surface water, groundwater, waterways, and dry gullies or storm drains leading to surface water), must be reported to Colorado Department Public Health and Environment immediately at 1-877-518-5608. Any accidental discharge to the sanitary sewer system must be reported to the local sewer authority and the affected wastewater treatment plant.