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    Health Department

    Healthy Families Partnership


    Healthy Children. Healthy Caregivers. Healthy Communities.

    Being a parent is the most important role you’ll ever have. At times, it may also feel like the most confusing and overwhelming place you’ve ever been. You can lean on the expertise and resources of the Healthy Families Partnership of Douglas County.

    Your community-based source for maternal/child health and family wellness convened in 2023 with a focus on providing supportive information and services tailored to Douglas County families on topics such as:

    • Safe sleep
    • Child development at all ages and stages
    • Car seat safety
    • Maternal mood disorders
    • Parental stressors

    Today, 15 subject matter expert organizations are your trusted resources in support of your aspirations for a healthy family.

    When you need a little more information or a little more support during a certain season, this web page is your comprehensive local source. Looking for specific resources or support? Contact CH@douglas.co.us

    Written words; Healthy Families Partnership with tree in the middle. Leaves are hearts.

    News: Healthy Families Partnership launches in Douglas County

    Our Partners Include:

    3 group photos of hospital partners at healthy family partnership launch events



    Tools for Every Stage

    Each new child development stage brings exciting milestones and, perhaps, some questions, too. Lean on these local resources, available both in-person and virtually, for every season of your family’s life.

    During Pregnancy / Expecting Parents

    Pregnancy is an exciting time. Remember, every pregnancy journey is unique. Knowing that you are doing all you can to stay healthy during pregnancy and give your baby a healthy start in life will help you to have peace of mind.

    Partners ready to support you:

    Douglas County Health Department Free Diapers program: Families in need of diapers can visit our Lone Tree or Castle Rock office to get 50 diapers and one pack of wipes per child per month.

    Douglas County Health Department Resource Navigation Help – connect with the Maternal and Child Health Coordinator to discuss various community resources that meet your needs. MCH Referral Form

    Douglas County Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a nutrition program that provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy food, and other services free of charge to Colorado families who qualify.

    YANA Let’s Be Real – Mama Journeys weekly podcast

    YANA Support Mom Outreach Mentoring program.

    YANA Strong Mamas, Thriving Babies wrap-around support

    Newborns and Infants (up to 1 year)

    Newborn and infant brains are like sponges – they absorb everything. Nurturing and responsive care for the child’s body and mind is the key to supporting healthy brain development. Learn more about the importance of early brain development and health.

    Partners ready to support you:

    Advocates for Children CASA Connects helps reduce duplication and increase quality and effectiveness of services delivered to youth and families.

    Advocates for Children CASA Dependency & Neglect: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers provide the Court and other responsible persons with independent and objective information regarding the safety, permanency and wellbeing of the child.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Extensive Supports (Medicaid Waiver) provides service and supports that will help children establish a long-term foundation for community inclusion.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (Medicaid Waiver) provides services for children and youth who have an I/DD and very high needs.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Home and Community Based Service (Medicaid Waiver) helps children under 18 with significant medical needs who are at risk for institutional care in an acute hospital or skilled nursing facility.

    Developmental Pathways Children Life Limiting Illness (Medicaid Waiver) helps children with a life-limiting illness.

    Developmental Pathways Early Intervention Program for children up to age 3 with a delay in development and/or qualifying diagnosis.

    Developmental Pathways Family Support Services Program, a state-funded program that provides individualized support to families who are caring for a family member with disabilities, living in the home.

    Developmental Pathways Hospital Back Up supports qualified skilled nursing facilities in providing hospital-level care to clients who are ventilator-dependent, have complex wounds or have medically complex needs.

    Developmental Pathways Long Term Home Health provides services from a licensed and certified Home Health Agency for members who need intermittent Home Health Services.

    Developmental Pathways Nursing Facilities are institutions certified by a state to offer 24-hour medical and skilled nursing care, rehabilitation or health-related services.

    Douglas County Health Department Free Diapers program: Families in need of diapers can visit our Lone Tree or Castle Rock office to get 50 diapers and one pack of wipes per child per month.

    Douglas County Health Department Resource Navigation Help – connect with the Maternal and Child Health Coordinator to discuss various community resources that meet your needs. MCH Referral Form

    Douglas County Libraries has informational resources for all stages of parenting.

    Douglas County Libraries story time is your child’s first classroom. Six locations offer story time Monday through Saturday.

    Douglas County Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a nutrition program that provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy food, and other services free of charge to Colorado families who qualify.

    Manna Resource Center exists to break through barriers to self-sufficiency and mental wellness through holistic programs, communication connection and collaborative support.

    YANA Let’s Be Real – Mama Journeys weekly podcast.

    YANA Support Mom Outreach Mentoring program.

    YANA Strong Mamas, Thriving Babies wrap-around support

    Toddlers (1-4 years)

    1. Why are toddlers so challenging sometimes? Let’s talk about the power of repetition, redirection, and recognition.
      1. Repetition: Children are constantly surrounded by new stimuli, so repetition offers them familiarity and predictability that allows them to feel more comfortable to experiment, engage, and interact.
      2. Redirection: a proactive method for dealing with challenging behaviors.
      3. Recognition: or verbal praise. The little act of telling your child when she’s done a great job can have a big effect. Keep it simple and sweet, and be sure to praise your child’s specific action. Think: “Great job putting your cars away!” or “I love when you use your listening ears!”
    Partners ready to support you:

    Advocates for Children CASA Connects helps reduce duplication and increase quality and effectiveness of services delivered to youth and families.

    Advocates for Children CASA Dependency & Neglect: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers provide the Court and other responsible persons with independent and objective information regarding the safety, permanency and wellbeing of the child.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Extensive Supports (Medicaid Waiver) provides service and supports that will help children establish a long-term foundation for community inclusion.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (Medicaid Waiver) provides services for children and youth who have an I/DD and very high needs.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Home and Community Based Service (Medicaid Waiver) helps children under 18 with significant medical needs who are at risk for institutional care in an acute hospital or skilled nursing facility.

    Developmental Pathways Children Life Limiting Illness (Medicaid Waiver) helps children with a life-limiting illness.

    Developmental Pathways Community Outreach Waitlist Service Program for individuals with developmental disabilities/delays and their families who are waiting for services or whose needs aren’t fully met by state or federally funded sources.

    Developmental Pathways Early Intervention Program for children up to age 3 with a delay in development and/or qualifying diagnosis.

    Developmental Pathways Family Support Services Program, a state-funded program that provides individualized support to families who are caring for a family member with disabilities, living in the home.

    Developmental Pathways Hospital Back Up supports qualified skilled nursing facilities in providing hospital-level care to clients who are ventilator-dependent, have complex wounds or have medically complex needs.

    Developmental Pathways Long Term Home Health provides services from a licensed and certified Home Health Agency for members who need intermittent Home Health Services.

    Developmental Pathways Nursing Facilities are institutions certified by a state to offer 24-hour medical and skilled nursing care, rehabilitation or health-related services.

    Douglas County Early Childhood Council Parent Support helps parents and child care providers learn about programs and services for young children, birth to age 5.

    Douglas County Early Childhood Council Universal Preschool program is a state-funded program that provides at least 10 hours per week of paid preschool for children the year before they are eligible for kindergarten.

    Douglas County Health Department Free Diapers program: Families in need of diapers can visit our Lone Tree or Castle Rock office to get 50 diapers and one pack of wipes per child per month.

    Douglas County Health Department Resource Navigation Help – connect with the Maternal and Child Health Coordinator to discuss various community resources that meet your needs. MCH Referral Form

    Douglas County Libraries story time is your child’s first classroom. Six locations offer story time Monday through Saturday.

    Douglas County Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a nutrition program that provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy food, and other services free of charge to Colorado families who qualify.

    Manna Resource Center exists to break through barriers to self-sufficiency and mental wellness through holistic programs, communication connection and collaborative support.

    YANA Let’s Be Real – Mama Journeys weekly podcast


    Elementary Schoolers (5-10 years)

    Middle childhood brings many changes in a child’s life. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now.  Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood:

    Partners ready to support you:

    Advocates for Children CASA Connects helps reduce duplication and increase quality and effectiveness of services delivered to youth and families.

    Advocates for Children CASA Dependency & Neglect: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers provide the Court and other responsible persons with independent and objective information regarding the safety, permanency and wellbeing of the child.

    Advocates for Children CASA Truancy Program: Volunteers work to understand barriers keeping children out of school and work closely with the school district and professionals to mitigate concerns before they rise to the level of a Dependency and Neglect case.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Extensive Supports (Medicaid Waiver) provides services and supports that will help children establish a long-term foundation for community inclusion.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (Medicaid Waiver) provides services for children and youth who have an I/DD and very high needs.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Home and Community Based Service (Medicaid Waiver) helps children under 18 with significant medical needs who are at risk for institutional care in an acute hospital or skilled nursing facility.

    Developmental Pathways Children Life Limiting Illness (Medicaid Waiver) helps children with a life-limiting illness.

    Developmental Pathways Community Outreach Waitlist Service Program for individuals with developmental disabilities/delays and their families who are waiting for services or whose needs aren’t fully met by state or federally funded sources.

    Developmental Pathways Family Support Services Program, a state-funded program that provides individualized support to families who are caring for a family member with disabilities living in the home.

    Developmental Pathways Hospital Back Up supports qualified skilled nursing facilities in providing hospital-level care to clients who are ventilator-dependent, have complex wounds or have medically complex needs.

    Developmental Pathways Long Term Home Health provides services from a licensed and certified Home Health Agency for members who need intermittent Home Health Services.

    Developmental Pathways Nursing Facilities are institutions certified by a state to offer 24-hour medical and skilled nursing care, rehabilitation or health-related services.

    Douglas County Community Response Teams (CRT) pairs a law enforcement officer with a mental health professional to help adults and youth experiencing a mental health crisis avoid the emergency room or jail and, instead, find the support they need to heal.

    Douglas County Health Department Resource Navigation Help – connect with the Maternal and Child Health Coordinator to discuss various community resources that meet your needs. MCH Referral Form

    Douglas County Libraries is offers resources and programs to support your child’s reading journey.

    Manna Resource Center exists to break through barriers to self-sufficiency and mental wellness through holistic programs, communication connection and collaborative support.

    YANA Let’s Be Real – Mama Journeys weekly podcast

    The Youth Care Compact is an enhanced care coordination program that links existing case management and care coordination service providers. It is offered through Douglas County and a network of dedicated community partners.

    Teens/High Schoolers (13-18 years)

    This is a time of changes for how teenagers think, feel, and interact with others, and how their bodies grow.  You may also observe the invincibility fable in your teen; a type of thought pattern most noted in teenagers that is characterized by the belief they won’t get caught when doing wrong and they won’t be hurt by engaging in risky behaviors. You play an important role in keeping your child safe―no matter how old he or she is. Here are some tips on how to address safety and other topics with your teen.

    Partners ready to support you:

    Advocates for Children CASA Connects helps reduce duplication and increase quality and effectiveness of services delivered to youth and families.

    Advocates for Children CASA Dependency & Neglect: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers provide the Court and other responsible persons with independent and objective information regarding the safety, permanency and wellbeing of the child.

    Advocates for Children CASA Foundations provides young adults (ages 18-24) with one-on-one mentoring support.

    Advocates for Children CASA Juvenile Delinquency: Volunteers help youth with open juvenile delinquency cases.

    Advocates for Children CASA Legacy Project helps persons between the ages of 13 and 23 with acquiring life skills, goal setting and resource navigation.

    Advocates for Children CASA Truancy Program: Volunteers work to understand barriers keeping children out of school and work closely with the school district and professionals to mitigate concerns before they rise to the level of a Dependency and Neglect case.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Extensive Supports (Medicaid Waiver) provides services and supports that will help children establish a long-term foundation for community inclusion.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (Medicaid Waiver) provides services for children and youth who have an I/DD and very high needs.

    Developmental Pathways Children’s Home and Community Based Service (Medicaid Waiver) helps children under 18 with significant medical needs who are at risk for institutional care in an acute hospital or skilled nursing facility.

    Developmental Pathways Children Life Limiting Illness (Medicaid Waiver) helps children with a life-limiting illness.

    Developmental Pathways Community Outreach Waitlist Service Program for individuals with developmental disabilities/delays and their families who are waiting for services or whose needs aren’t fully met by state or federally funded sources.

    Developmental Pathways Family Support Services Program, a state-funded program that provides individualized support to families who are caring for a family member with disabilities, living in the home.

    Developmental Pathways Hospital Back Up supports qualified skilled nursing facilities in providing hospital-level care to clients who are ventilator-dependent, have complex wounds or have medically complex needs.

    Developmental Pathways Long Term Home Health provides services from a licensed and certified Home Health Agency for members who need intermittent Home Health Services.

    Developmental Pathways Nursing Facilities are institutions certified by a state to offer 24-hour medical and skilled nursing care, rehabilitation or health-related services.

    Douglas County Community Response Teams (CRT) pairs a law enforcement officer with a mental health professional to help adults and youth experiencing a mental health crisis avoid the emergency room or jail and, instead, find the support they need to heal.

    Douglas County Health Department Resource Navigation Help – connect with the Maternal and Child Health Coordinator to discuss various community resources that meet your needs. MCH Referral Form

    Douglas County Libraries has opportunities for teens to connect, research, find a place to study, work on group projects or volunteer.

    Manna Resource Center exists to break through barriers to self-sufficiency and mental wellness through holistic programs, communication connection and collaborative support.

    YANA Let’s Be Real – Mama Journeys weekly podcast

    The Youth Care Compact is an enhanced care coordination program that links existing case management and care coordination service providers. It is offered through Douglas County and a network of dedicated community partners.

    New and Experienced Parents and Caregivers

    Each child in your care is different and may need different approaches to parenting. Find some positive parenting tips for all ages.

    Partners ready to support you:

    Douglas County Health Department Resource Navigation Help – connect with the Maternal and Child Health Coordinator to discuss various community resources that meet your needs. MCH Referral Form

    Douglas County Libraries works to inspire a love of reading, discovery and connection. Learn about resource, staff and services available to assist you.

    Manna Resource Center exists to break through barriers to self-sufficiency and mental wellness through holistic programs, communication connection and collaborative support.

    YANA Support Mom Outreach Mentoring program.

    YANA Strong Mamas, Thriving Babies wrap-around support

    YANA Let’s Be Real – Mama Journeys weekly podcast

    Safe Sleep for Infants

    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), which includes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), is the leading cause of injury death in infancy. Sleep is a big challenge for families with babies, but following safe sleep recommendations can prevent many SUID fatalities. We want to help teach you how your baby can sleep safely, so you can sleep soundly.

    Keep your infant safe while sleeping

    All Babies Cry

    Did you know that infants cry an average of two to three hours a day over the first six weeks? It is normal for parents to experience moments of overwhelming stress and exhaustion while caring for a newborn.

    We have tools to help you manage the emotions that come with caring for an infant.
    It's ok to ask for help

    Updated Child Passenger Safety Laws

    In June 2024, Gov. Jared Polis signed HB24-1055, which updates Colorado’s child passenger safety law. These updates reflect the latest research-based recommendations on car seat, booster seat and seat belt use for children, including significant changes to rear-facing car seat rules. The updates, which became effective Jan. 1, 2025, and will ensure that laws keep pace with evolving best practices for car seat and booster seat use, based on your child’s age and weight. To view a chart of the new age and weight requirements, visit the Colorado Department of Transportation website.

    Review the new regulations.

    Developmental Milestones

    As parents, we all want to see our children thrive. Keeping an eye on developmental milestones is one of the best ways to support their growth. From their first smile to their first steps, these milestones give us insight into how they’re learning, moving, and connecting with the world around them. Every child develops at their own pace, but noticing any delays early can make a big difference in getting the right support if needed. By staying engaged and celebrating each stage of development, we can help our little ones build confidence, curiosity, and the skills they need for a bright future.

    Review the CDC’s Developmental Milestone Checklists