Whether it’s watching your kids play sports, enjoying fresh air and exercise, or gathering with friends and family – public parks are central to a healthy lifestyle and community unity. If you’re a Douglas County resident with a passion for parks and a heart to serve, consider volunteering to serve on the County’s Parks Advisory Board.
There are two vacancies in Commissioner District II (Castle Rock and southern Douglas County) and two vacancies in Commissioner District III (Highlands Ranch, Sterling Ranch and Roxborough areas).
Members of this Board of nine serve in an advisory role to the Board of Douglas County Commissioners, in support of: the Commissioners’ Historic & Natural Resources Core Priority; County Parks Division priorities and goals; as well as oversite concerning disbursement of revenue from the voter-approved Open Space Land, Trails and Parks Sales Tax Fund. Board members will play a role in the selection of land to be acquired, maintained, and developed, for the establishment of County parks. Board members also play a role in pursuing and voicing the citizen’s perspective regarding County parks.
In addition to the county residency requirement, ideal candidates would have related expertise in landscape architecture, recreation district or parks management and management of public funds.
Advisory Board members are appointed for a term of three years and may be re-appointed at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. The Board meets the first Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Applicants may submit an online application by Friday, Feb. 16. For additional information, please contact the Douglas County Commissioners’ Office at 303-660-7401.