As the seasons change, so do your yardwork needs. You can now keep leaves out of the landfill by taking them to Douglas County’s new Fall Leaf Collection site, open Saturdays through Nov. 18.
Leaves, slash, and green yard waste like grass clippings will be accepted at the County’s slash-mulch site from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 28. Then, only leaves will be accepted from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 4, Nov. 11, and Nov. 18. The site is located at 1400 Caprice Drive in Castle Rock.
Here are a few tips for a smooth drop-off:
- Please separate leaves, slash, and green yard waste.
- Leaves can be transported in bags but the bags themselves cannot be accepted and must be dumped out on site.
- Garden waste, large brush, trash, twine, plastics, etc. should be removed from piles before drop-off.
Yard waste and leaves are professionally composted. Slash is turned into free mulch for resident pickup. Thank you for utilizing this service to keep leaves and other yard waste out of landfills and the stormwater system.
Learn more about how to discard this type of waste online.