Mask mandates, bag fees, overturned property tax reductions, and sanctuary community policies. What do these topics have in common? They’re state sanctions imposed on local governments.
As Douglas County continues to grow and evolve, the need for a more responsive and adaptable governance structure – that has some freedoms from State policies – is becoming increasingly clear. Today, March 25, your Board of Douglas County Commissioners adopted a resolution to transition from a statutory form of government to a Home Rule County Charter, representing a significant opportunity for residents to enhance local governance.
“We want to preserve and protect what we have in Douglas County,” said Commissioner George Teal. “We’re not talking about changing the way we govern; we’re talking about empowering our residents to take control of their own destinies.”
Unlike the current statutory form of government, which adheres to state-imposed rules and limitations, a Home Rule Charter provides the flexibility to address local challenges more effectively and innovatively. Without Home Rule, the Colorado legislature determines both the form and function of county government through state statute.
“Today, we stand on the brink of an exciting new chapter for Douglas County,” said Commissioner Abe Laydon. “With this resolution to bring a ballot initiative to our voters, we have a remarkable opportunity to empower our citizens with the ability to shape their own futures, make decisions that matter, and tailor their county government to fit their unique needs.”
This may include setting our own criminal charges and bonding for crimes committed in Douglas County, appointing our own judges, local regulations on collective bargaining and unions, our own approach to tax notifications, and more.
“The resolution to change Douglas County to a Home Rule County Charter is a pivotal opportunity for residents to gain more control over their local governance,” said Commissioner Kevin Van Winkle. “We must decisively step away from Denver’s misguided leftist policies, which prioritize ideology over practicality, erode individual freedoms and burden our communities with unsustainable costs. It’s time to chart a course rooted in common sense and the values that build this state.”
What’s Next?
This resolution by the Board of Douglas County Commissioners initiates a nine-step process. That process includes the formation and election of a 21-member Charter Commission tasked with developing the Home Rule Charter, several meetings of that Charter Commission, three public meetings and a second election to vote on the Charter document. View details on our website.
How can I stay Involved?
The Board of County Commissioners looks forward to hearing from all voices! Over the next several months, there will be many opportunities for discussion and public comment as this proposal moves forward. Please sign up for email updates and remain involved.