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Louviers, Colorado: : A Model for a Company Town

- Cup, Coffee
- 5DA.1016.01
- Clear glass coffee or tea cup, common bowl, ear simple loop handle, rounded raised foot.
Mold mark through the center of the handle and continuing to the opposite side of the bowl.
No maker's mark.... View Full Record

- Cup, Coffee
- 5DA.1016.08
- Clear glass coffee, punch or tea cup, Bute shape with globular graduation from foot to rim. Simple loop handle with flat horizontal thumb rest.
Mold mark through the center of the handle and continuing to the opposite side of the bowl.
No maker's... View Full Record

- Plate, Luncheon
- 5DA.1016.14
- The clear glass luncheon plate is a ball and ribbed pattern with 4 candlewick style balls for handles at each end. These plates were manufactured by Anchor Hocking and the pattern is Berwick, commonly referred to as Boopie. The Boopie or Berwick des... View Full Record

- Plate, Dessert
- 5DA.1016.27
- The depression glass dessert plate is a Sharon, "Cabbage Rose" pattern most likely manfactured by Federal Glass Company between 1935-1939.
... View Full Record

- Bowl, Dessert
- 5DA.1016.26
- The footed, depression glass sherbert cup is a Sharon, "Cabbage Rose" pattern most likely manfactured by Federal Glass Company between 1935-1939. Collectors generally associate mass-produced glassware found in pink, yellow, crystal, or green with th... View Full Record

- Saucer
- 5DA.1016.28
- ]
- The pink depression glass saucer is a Sharon, "Cabbage Rose" pattern most likely manfactured by Federal Glass Company between 1935-1939.
... View Full Record

- Cup, Coffee
- 5DA.1016.29
- The pink depression glass coffe cup is a Sharon, "Cabbage Rose" pattern most likely manfactured by Federal Glass Company between 1935-1939.
... View Full Record

- Plate, Food
- 5DA.1016.32
- The plate is a vintage, rectangular, clear glass snack tray with two small divisions; one is meant to hold a cup and the other to be utilized as an ash tray. The pattern within the pressed glass is known as the Arlington diamond and square pattern,... View Full Record

- Cup, Punch
- 5DA.1016.44
- The Anchor Hocking clear glass punch cup has an "Arlington Pattern" also know as the Star and Fan pattern. It was manufacturer in the 1960's. The interior is smooth with the pressed glass pattern on the outside. The handle is a simple loop and the... View Full Record

- Cup
- 5DA.1016.54
- The Anchor Hocking mid-century vintage, clear pressed glass punch cup is in the star burst pattern. It is flare shaped with an angular shaped plane handle. The bottom of the cup reveals a single star burst pattern. There is no manufacturers mark.... View Full Record

- Bowl, Sugar
- 5DA.1016.56
- The clear glass sugar bowl is Indiana Glass pattern number 1008, known to collectors as the Willow pattern. Also known as the Oleander and Magnolia pattern. Some collectors call this pattern WOM, a combination of the three pattern names. This patt... View Full Record

- Number, House Address
- 2015.002.01
- The square metal DuPont company-built house number has a red background with a white number 33 printed on the face. It reportedly came from the house right before the ball field.
The photograph is of Louviers, Colorado ca. 1920, called the Flat, t... View Full Record

- Badge, Identification
- 2015.002.02
- The card board Identification Badge if for Louviers Works, subdivision E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & CO. (INC.) with the signature in the name of Joseph B. Jones, Pass No. 16. Below the picture is the wording: ADMIT TO. LOUVIERS WORKS. The second line... View Full Record

- Rules
- 5DA.1016.64
- The typed Bowling alley rules appear on 8 1/2 X 11 white paper.
They read as follows:
1. Games will start promptly at 6:30 P.M. by the clock at the Club.
2. A member must bowl at least 3/4 of the schedule... View Full Record

- Calendar
- 2015.002.04
- Tbe C.E. Woolley Grocery & Market Calendar is dated 1944. It is illustrated with a seated cowboy holding a golf club and his horse whose head is placed close to his left arm. The calendar slogan identifies the Grocery and Market as "Friendship and S... View Full Record

- Chip, Poker
- 5DA.1016.67
- The poker chips and holder came from the Louviers Club. The chips are red, white, and blue in a brown plastic holdeer with a white handle. All the chips are marked with a gold metalic dot in the center. No manufacter mark is visible.... View Full Record

- Hat, Hard
- 2015.002.05
- The orange plastic hard hard was used in the manufacturing plant. There is a manufacturers logo on the interior front brim showing a raised oval shape with a raised outline of a hard hat. Under the logo are the words: D.E. BULLARD CO. Beneath that... View Full Record

- Boot
- 2015.002.06
- This is a pair of steel-toed work boots worn in Dynamite Operations at DuPont. No metal was allowed in the area except for the satey toes in the shoes, which were totally enclosed with leather. The boots were sewed and glued; no nails used per safet... View Full Record

- Cap
- 2015.002.07
- This is a white cap used in the Dynamitye Operations area at DuPont and resembles a painter's cap. The underside of the bill is blue and there is permanent marker scribbles on the top of the bill.... View Full Record

- Coveralls
- 2015.002.08
- The coveralls are white 100% Cotton, Size 46, CalCo Garment Co. and used in the dynamite operations factory.... View Full Record

- Glove, Work
- 2015.002.09
- There are two mis-matched beige cotton work gloves. The left hand glove has a red cuff band and the right is all beige. It is a possibility that the red cuffed glove had special useage. Both lack manufacturing information.... View Full Record

- Token
- 5DA.1016.74
- The display box shows 15 wooden Tokens used in Turkey Shoots. The are marked with "Village Club House" in the outer circle" The Center readws LOUVIERS COLORADO and under that the tokens are marked with an H, T or B. The letters indicated whether y... View Full Record

- Bottle, Laboratory
- 2015.002.11
- The tall, cylinderical, clear glass bottle was used in the Dupont Chemical Lab and held glycerinin used to make glycerine rose water. The date is unknown. The bottle was donated by Susan Star, daughter of Zede Stan.
The morphology characteristis a... View Full Record

- Sign, Instructional
- 2015.002.12
- The wooden box top is from a dynamite box from the Louviers Dynamite Operation. In the left corner is the DU PONT logo reading on the top, Manufactured by E. I. DuPont De Numours & Co. On each side of the DuPont logo is REG. U.S., to the right it r... View Full Record

- Sign, Instructional
- 2015.002.13
- The large warning sign is on a gold background with black lettering. In a red, elongated circle are the words DANGER. Below that, in large black letters it reads:
-KEEP AWAY-... View Full Record

- Dartboard
- 5DA.1016.78
- The vintage, official Winmau dart board dates back to 1945, and was made of elm. Winmau sponsered the oldest dartboard tournament still running, "Winmau Masters Tournament". The boards were manufactured in Kenya.
The pattern on the dart board is... View Full Record

- Card, Playing
- 5DA.1016.79
- The complete deck of playing card is in its original box. The front of the box is divided into three sections. The first section on a white background with red letter, the wording: "No. 92, Club Special appears. The second strip is red strip with... View Full Record

- Card, Playing
- 5DA.1016.80
- There are 54 playing cards which are not in their original package. The two joker cards show a King riding a bike. One of the Joker's has the Guarantee printed on it, as well as the manufacturer, The United States Playing Card Company, Cincinnati,... View Full Record

- Flag
- 2015.002.14
- The American flag was manufactured by The Valley Forge Flag Company, Spring City, PA. The flag is 100% nylon and has 50 stars. The flag hung at the Louviers Post Office and is stamped Property of the U.S. Gov.... View Full Record

- Award
- 2015.002.15
- This is a plaque from The Denver Bears to Louviers for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Baseball. Made by Josten's, no date or other identifying marks present.... View Full Record

- Paddle, Table Tennis
- 5DA.1016.83
- The table tennis paddles came from the Louviers Village Club and are a light wood with cork on both sides. One paddle is marked with the lettering CID underlined. There are no manufacturer markings.... View Full Record

- Dye, Hair
- 2015.002.16
- The yellow-gold colored background on the box is covered with a brown and white label marked as: 101 Black Roux Rinse. The bottom of the box reaads: Contents: 1 1/2 oz.
Distributed by ROUX DISTRIBUTING CO. N.Y., INC. The bottom of the box gives t... View Full Record

- Paddle, Table Tennis
- 5DA.1016.86
- Two table tennis paddles. One has a yellow paddle with a red and black striped handle and the other is green with a blue handle... View Full Record

- Siding, Clapboard
- 2015.002.21
- Fragment of cedar siding on Louviers residental house. It is shiplap siding, painted pale yellow with the painting date stamped on it, a typical method of keeping track of painting history. Houses built by Du Pont were alike and built on what was cal... View Full Record

- Poster, Instructional
- 2015.002.19
- Learn How to Use the Fire Extinguishers
- Wood framed poster to learn how to use fire extinguishers.
... View Full Record

- Box, Dynamite
- 2015.002.18A,B,C
- Three (3) pieces of dynamite box side, painted white on one side.
Top piece A: "MANUFACTURED BY DUPONT DE NEMOURS..., HIGH EXPLOSIVES", two nail hole on each end
Middle piece B: "...& CO., DANGEROUS, THIS SIDE UP, DU PONT ESTABLISHED 1602, LOUVIERS... View Full Record

- Desk, School
- 2011.004.01
- This is a student classroom desk of wood and metal construction. The back of the seat shows two slats attached to the metal frame. The top slat is wider than the lower slat and shows child's etched lettering displaying 3 R's and H and N. The metal f... View Full Record