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Open Space

Southern Shooting Partnership (SSP)

Due to the complex urban interface, increasing populations and increases in recreational shooting, there is a need for public land management agencies to work collaboratively to manage and provide safe and responsible Recreational Sport Shooting (RSS) across the Southern Front Range of Colorado.  The Federal, State, and County land management agencies from the Southern Front Range have agreed to partner and develop an RSS strategy. The partners will prepare a recreational sport shooting strategy within a project management structure that includes a Southern Shooting Partnership Board with a Chair and Co-Chair to lead the development of the RSS strategy.
View Partnership Meeting Minutes

Key Combined Message for the Southern Shooting Partnership

  • Public lands play host to a variety of recreational activities such as hiking, biking, camping, OHV riding, snowshoeing and much more, including responsible recreational shooting.
  • The SSP recognizes the increasing demand for recreational sports shooting opportunities and other recreational activities. The goal of this Partnership is to work collaboratively to research, identify and create opportunities.
  • This partnership supports outreach, education and educational resources to encourage safe, courteous, responsible and legal shooting.
  • Recreational shooting, as with all recreational activities on public lands, are governed by federal, state and local regulations.  It is the shooter’s responsibility to know where they are and which regulations apply.
  • The SSP will not impose rulings or requirements on private lands.

Project Engagement Timeline

Nov. 12, 2024 – Finding of No Significant Impact, selecting a modified version of Alternative 2, the proposed action, of the Integrated Management of Target Shooting Environmental Assessment (EA). The selected alternative includes identifying six sites for shooting ranges (five new and one existing location), closing about 73% of the Pike National Forest to dispersed target shooting, and implementing the adaptive management strategy. A 45-day objection period begins.

Aug. 7, 2024 – Do you enjoy sport shooting in the Pike National Forest and want to have a say about future management? Plan to participate in a 30-day public comment period regarding the draft environmental assessment or attend one of three upcoming public meetings to learn about plans for future management and proposed restrictions to target shooting in Pikes Peak, South Park, and South Platte Ranger Districts within the Pike National Forest.

Nov. 27, 2023 – The Forest Service is seeking comments on the revised Integrated Management of Target Shooting on the Pike National Forest Project. The revised Integrated Management of Target Shooting proposed action addresses the need to provide opportunities for target shooting on National Forest System lands, to identify areas unsuitable for dispersed target shooting, to identify locations to be developed as shooting ranges, and to establish a conditions-based adaptive management framework to manage target shooting in the future.

Pike National Forest fire restriction information.

Visit Forest Service website