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Planning for the future of transportation in Douglas County

Join Douglas County for opportunities to provide input and learn about proposed transit and transportation solutions

Posted on January 21, 2025 2025News and EventsTransportation


Are you planning for your future in 2025? We are too, with connectivity through transportation. Whether you travel solely by car or are looking for a transit option, Douglas County wants to continue improving the way you move throughout the county. There are several opportunities to provide your feedback throughout February.

To learn about the Integrated Transit and Multimodal Study, comment on new potential opportunities and proposed transit options, attend one of these meetings:

The same information will be presented at both meetings, so there is no need to attend both.

If you’re more interested in vehicle travel, you’ll want to learn about the 2050 Transportation Plan. Please plan to attend one of the following meetings to learn about the current state of transportation and share input on your transportation needs:

The same information will be presented at all meetings.

The 2050 Transportation Plan will evaluate the existing status of the road network, projections for future demands, and public input to guide investment in transportation improvements. During a series of community meetings, we will present what the latest data is telling us about our transportation system and collect public-input on how the community would like to see transportation addressed.

Additionally, with the Integrated Transit and Multimodal Study, Douglas County wants to find ways to provide reasonable and reliable transit to people who do not own or have access to their own transportation, who do not own a phone, and/or who have limited personal mobility. In February, an online survey will also be available to share your input.

As we invest in safe and accessible transportation options, we need to learn more about how you and your neighbors want to travel in the future.

To stay up to date on the transit study and transportation plan – and to receive the survey link – sign-up for our Transportation and Transit Study email list

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