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Massage Facility Licensing


Massage facilities are any place of business where massage therapy or full-body massage is practiced or administered. Any business operating within unincorporated Douglas County that meets this definition is required to obtain a Massage Facility License. Information on licensing for a new facility, licenses for existing facilities, and the exemption process can be located below. To view the Ordinance and Resolution click here.

You can also contact Planning Resources Staff at 303-660-7460 or [email protected] for additional information or assistance.




Upcoming Meetings:

No meetings are scheduled at this time.

Webex Instructions: 

  • Comment During the Live Meeting – join the live meeting through the web link identified as “clicking here” above.
  • Listen only via phone – You will not be able to participate in public comments during the meeting via phone.  

New and Existing Facility Applications

Massage facilities in operation as of May 11, 2023, and which continue to operate after that date in unincorporated Douglas County will be processed under the procedures for a license transfer. Those businesses need to submit a complete application on or before December 31, 2023.

New massage facilities need to have a massage facility license prior to opening for business. New license requests will be heard by the licensing authority who will make the decision on approval or denial of license applications.

Both new and existing/transfer applications require criminal background checks as part of the application process. A checklist is also provided for assistance in completing the application.


If your business will operate under one of the allowed exemptions within the definition in the ordinance, you are eligible to submit a request for an exemption from the licensing requirements. Those business types that are eligible are listed below.  For additional information, please see Section 1(n) of Ordinance NO. O-023-001. Please see the exemption request form for submittal requirements, which will vary based upon business type.

Businesses eligible to submit an exemption request:

  • Training rooms in public and nonpublic institutions of higher education, as defined in C.R.S. § 23-3.1-102(5).
  • Training rooms of recognized professional or amateur athletic teams.
  • Offices, clinics, and other facilities at which medical professionals licensed by the state of Colorado, or any other state, provide massage services to the public in the ordinary course of their medical profession.
  • Medical facilities licensed by the state.
  • Barber shops, beauty salons, and other facilities at which barbers and cosmetologists licensed by the state provide massage services to the public in the ordinary course of their professions.
  • Bona fide athletic clubs not engaged in the practice of providing massage therapy to members or to the public for remuneration, or an athletic club that does not receive more than 10 percent of its gross income providing massages to the athletic club’s members or to the public.
  • A place of business where a person offers to perform or performs massage therapy:
    1. For 72 hours or less in any six-month period; and
    2. As part of a public or charity event, the primary purpose of which is not to provide massage therapy.
  • A place of business where a licensed massage therapist practices as a solo practitioner, and:
    1. Does not use a business name or assumed name; or
    2. Uses a business name or assumed name and provides the massage therapist’s full legal name or license number in each advertisement, and each time the business name or assumed name appears in writing; and
    3. Does not maintain or operate a table shower.


County News

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