If you’ve been following the progress of our C-470 Trail expansion at Yosemite Street, you’ll want to read this update.
A visible project milestone is ahead with the delivery of the pedestrian bridges that will be installed over Yosemite and the C-470 on-ramp, bringing increased safety for trail users when the project is complete later this year.
The two pedestrian bridges were built off site and will be delivered in six sections. Crews will then assemble the sections and use cranes to hoist them in place over Yosemite Street and the on-ramp.
Crews expect to install both bridges in a single night sometime in October. For the safety of crews and the traveling public, an overnight closure of the on-ramp and Yosemite Street will be necessary. Stay tuned for dates and times.
This project will increase safety and mobility where the C-470 Trail meets Yosemite Street. Two new bridges will reroute the trail over this intersection and create a safer, more convenient connection for pedestrians and bicyclists.
The extension also provides a new 10-foot-wide multi-use trail and will improve mobility by reducing congestion and traffic delays on Yosemite Street related to C-470 trail users interfacing with motorists.
Learn more about the project on our website. Questions about the project? Call the project hotline, 720-386-3803 or email [email protected].
A safe and accessible multimodal transportation network is one of the Board of County Commissioner’s six core priorities. Read more about the County’s transportation initiatives online.