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Public Works

County Line Road / Inverness Improvement Project


Project Manager

Art Griffith
[email protected] 303-660-7490


  • Arapahoe County
  • City of Centennial
  • Inverness Metropolitan Improvement District (IMID)
  • Southeast Public Improvement Metropolitan Distsrict (SPIMD)

Project Update

Updated Jan. 28, 2025:

The County Line Road / Inverness Improvement project partners have agreed to scale back the project to make it more affordable and easier to implement. Since the original design that was taken to 60% complete plans was significantly more expensive than originally anticipated ($10 million), representatives from the Inverness Metro Improvement District, Arapahoe County, the City of Centennial, and Douglas County collectively finalized their decision to advance a more affordable alternative (that costs approximately $4.5 million).

The revised design alternative is compatible with Arapahoe County’s Inverness Drive West Bike and Pedestrian Facilities Project, located immediately to the north of our project limits.  Additionally, the redesign will minimize construction impacts as well as utility relocations. The project is jointly managed by staff from both Arapahoe County and Douglas County.

In 2024, due to poor pavement conditions on County Line Road (between southbound I-25 off-ramp and Inverness Parkway / Inverness Drive West), the City of Centennial completed a mill and overlay at this intersection.

The remaining construction is anticipated to start in the third quarter of 2025 and is anticipated to take 9 to 12 months to complete.


This project involves making multi-modal, safety, and traffic operational improvements at the two existing closely spaced intersections and improving westbound County Line Road to the northbound I-25 on-ramp entrance. As part of this project, we will replace the existing traffic signals at the County Line Road / Inverness Parkway / Inverness Drive West intersection as well as at the Inverness Drive West / Inverness Drive East Intersection. Additionally, the project includes installing overhead sign structures (similar to overhead signs installed on the west side of I-25 along County Line Road near Park Meadows), which will help improve traffic operations.

Project Photos