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Public Works

Highlands Ranch Neighborhood Improvements for Sidewalk & Paving

Under Construction


provided by the Road & Bridge Fund (Fund 200)

Project Manager

Keith Burke
[email protected] 303-947-8720

Project Update

Updated February 12, 2025

2025 project schedules are anticipated to be available soon – please check back. In general, work will occur between April and November.


Douglas County’s 2025 neighborhood street paving program in Highlands Ranch includes East Dutch Creek Street, East Millstone Street, East Millstone Place, and South Millstone Court.

On each street, work will be completed in phases – the first phase consists of sidewalk repairs and curb ramp upgrades, which will be performed by the County’s sidewalk repair contractor. Sidewalk repairs usually take between two and four weeks per neighborhood to be completed; work on a single block will generally take three to four days.

The second phase will occur later in the summer and consists of rotomilling to remove some of the top layer of asphalt, which generally takes two to four hours or less per block to complete and will be performed by the County’s asphalt overlay contractor. The final phase follows rotomilling by one to two weeks and includes placing the new overlay; this last phase may take 4 – 8 hours per block to complete.

During construction, access to driveways will be available, with occasional short delays. If the sidewalk contractor needs to replace the sidewalk in front of a residential driveway, they will notify the residents so they can move their vehicles before the work is done.

One to two weeks before the start of sidewalk repairs, rotomilling, and paving, the County will send Cone Zone Mailers to notify adjacent residents of the planned work.

One to two days before the start of each phase of work, the Contractor will deliver a Cone Zone door hanger with the date of the start of that phase of work on your block.

Two days before the start of rotomilling and paving, no-parking signs will be posted along the streets scheduled for work. Construction will occur Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Project Photos