
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction.  Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.



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Speeding Enforcement Concerns?

Contact DC Sheriff's Office

Establishing Speed Limits

How are speed limits established?

Colorado State Law establishes speed limits for all roadways in Colorado relating to land uses along the roadway, such as residential, business, etc. Furthermore, it requires that changes from those base limits be set following the procedures and standards in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, a manual produced by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for use throughout the U.S. (Read more by clicking on the brochure link).

Establishing Speed Limits - Brochure

Speed (FAQs)

Why not lower the speed limit to reduce hazards in our area?

There is a common misconception that posting a speed limit will influence drivers to drive that speed. The facts indicate otherwise. Studies show that a driver’s speed is influenced more by the appearance of the road and the prevailing conditions than it is by posted speed limits and, in fact, unrealistically low speeds can actually cause accidents.

Why can’t we use speed bumps on our block?

When posted speed limits fail to slow cars down in residential neighborhoods, people often request that speed bumps be installed in streets. However, speed bumps can cause more problems than they solve such as being a hazard to the unwary, disruption for emergency and maintenance vehicles and the cause of an undesirable increase in noise.  In addition, tests show that speed bumps are ineffective in controlling all types of vehicles. The driver of a softsprung sedan is encouraged to increase speed for a better ride over a speed bump, while other drivers may lose control at the same speed. For these and other reasons, Douglas County rejects the use of speed bumps as standard traffic control devices on public streets. The control of speeding in residential neighborhoods is a widespread concern that requires persistent law enforcement efforts…not speed bumps.

Won’t a “Children at Play” sign help protect our children?

Studies show no evidence that these signs prevent injury or decrease the speed of vehicles. They can give parents a false sense of security and since nearly every residential block has children living on it, there would have to be signed on each one. Blocks with no signs might imply that no children live there, so the driver does not have to watch out. Children could misinterpret the sign to mean that it is okay to play in the street. To address pedestrian safety, specific warning signs for school zones, pedestrian crossings, playgrounds, and other recreational areas are used where clearly justified.