Do you enjoy the streets of Downtown Castle Rock in full bloom every summer? Or do you take respite in the shade of a tree while watching your kids play sports at Challenger, Bayou Gulch, or Dupont regional parks?
Your time investment is needed and appreciated this summer at any of four community volunteer events from 9 a.m. to noon on the following Saturdays this summer:
- May 20, at the Wilcox Building in Castle Rock for mulch enhancement
- June 24, at Dupont Regional Park in Louviers for mulch enhancement
- Aug. 19, at Challenger Regional Park in Parker for tree planting
- Sept. 30, at Bayou Gulch Regional Park in unincorporated Douglas County near the Pinery for seedling planting
About 50 volunteers are needed for the success of each event. Click the links above to register. You will need to register for an account with your name and email to sign up to volunteer. Each volunteer will receive a gift bag filled with a T-shirt, water bottle, sunscreen, and lip balm.
Every year, your County is thankful for the time investment of hundreds of volunteers. If these dates don’t work for you, check out the variety of Douglas County volunteer opportunities online.
“The most significant impacts on our communities begin when we stand up and say, ‘I can help,’” said Douglas County Commissioner Abe Laydon, Board Chair. “I encourage us all to think about ways we can invest our time and talents to make a difference.”