Photo provided courtesy of Helen Malenda, USGS
If you are one of the nearly 25,000 rural residents in Douglas County who own and depend on more than 8,000 active groundwater wells that tap the Denver Basin aquifers underlying the county, you will want to know that the Rural Water Authority of Douglas County (RWADC) has received $60,000 to support you.
The funding, from the Board of Douglas County Commissioners, affirming the recommendation of the Douglas County Water Commission, will support the continuation and expansion of the group’s groundwater monitoring program through the U.S. Geological Survey ($48,000); the 2024 Rural Water User Forum and RWADC website maintenance ($2,500); operations ($6,000) and contingency funding of $3,500.
The RWADC’s water monitoring program is crucial to collecting groundwater data required to evaluate conditions in the groundwater systems on which rural users depend.
Established in 2008, the RWADC provides a collective voice for rural water users in unincorporated Douglas County. The RWADC is dedicated to assisting rural water users and small water providers through the collection of data and policy recommendations to its members and the Board of Douglas County Commissioners.