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    Public Works

    Public Works

    For Transportation Projects, where do your Tax Dollars go?

    Transportation Projects

    The Department of Public Works strives to provide a safe and reliable transportation network to enhance the quality of life within Douglas County.  We maintain the roads and storm drainage systems, remove snow and ice, erect and maintain traffic signals, signage, and striping, construct new transportation infrastructure, and control noxious weeds.  We oversee the design and construction of new developments, roads, and buildings.  The Department includes Engineering, Operations, Traffic, Building, Development Review, and Stormwater.

    Other Topics

    Transportation Visioning Project Development

    In alignment with the Board of County Commissioner’s transportation priority, projects are planned, designed, and constructed to ensure a safe and accessible multimodal transportation network.

    Transportation Visioning Project Development

    Integrated Transit and Multimodal Study

    We want to hear from you! Help us understand your needs, barriers, and perceptions around transit. Give us input into potential near-term projects.

    Integrated Transit and Multimodal Study

    Report a Problem

    Report a problem that has to do with Road Maintenance, Stormwater or Drainage, Traffic, Noxious Weeds, or another Public Works issue.

    Report a Problem

    2040 Transportation Master Plan (TMP)

    The 2040 TMP defines a long-range vision for a multimodal transportation system that offers more choices in how people travel in the County.

    2040 Transportation Master Plan

    Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Progress Report

    The purpose of the Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) Progress Report is to demonstrate to the citizens of Douglas County that revenues collected for this program are managed effectively and economically to maintain and improve the overall condition, safety, operations, and expansion of the County’s transportation system.

    CIP Progress Report 2017-2022

    Development Review

    New development in Douglas County has certain requirements.

    Development Review

    Newsroom for Public Works