From left: Captain Philip Domenico, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office; Pastor Mike Polhemus, The Rock Church; Marcia McCown, Joy Lutheran Church; Erin White, Manna Resource Center; Douglas County Commissioner Abe Laydon; Pastor Cody Anderson, Parker United Methodist Church; Nicole Forshey, Cherry Hills Community Church; and Tiffany Marsitto, HEART Supervisor
Your community is continuing to find new ways to help those experiencing homelessness in Douglas County.
This month, the eight churches that for seven years served as the Winter Shelter Network donated $7,188 in gift cards to Douglas County’s Homeless Engagement, Assistance and Resource Team (HEART) to purchase gas, shelter, and other supplies for those experiencing homelessness in Douglas County. The gift cards were presented to the Douglas County Homeless Initiative during an Executive Committee meeting Feb. 8.
After seven years of sheltering women and children in Douglas County, the Winter Shelter Network decided to serve the community in other ways.
“We realized that our time of service had come to an end, in the way that we were doing things. As our last act, the Winter Shelter Network would like to give our remaining funds to the HEART team to help continue to serve those the Winter Shelter Network is no longer serving,” said Pastor Cody Anderson from Parker United Methodist. “We are grateful for the HEART team and believe that they will pick up where we left off – able to serve this community in ways that we were not able to.”
“The way our community has come together to support those experiencing homelessness is inspiring,” said Commissioner Abe Laydon, who chairs the Douglas County Homeless Initiative Executive Committee. “We are so grateful for the dedication of the churches and volunteers of the Winter Shelter Network. This additional donation will continue their invested compassion for those experiencing homelessness in Douglas County.”
A function of the Douglas County Homeless Initiative, HEART is a partnership among the County and local law enforcement to connect those experiencing homelessness with resources.
HEART Navigators are subject matter experts, often with experience in behavioral and mental health or case management. They proactively and directly interact with those experiencing homelessness in a compassionate way. They gather information on needs, assess vulnerability, provide complete case management, and make referrals to appropriate community services.
Partnered with law enforcement when safety is a concern, this community approach helps ensure people experiencing homelessness do not end up in emergency rooms or jail, but rather are directed to community services. Already, the partnership has reduced homelessness in Douglas County.
The eight churches that we applaud are: Cherry Hills Community Church, Connections Church, Crossroads Community Church, Grace Chapel, Joy Lutheran Church, Parker United Methodist Church, The Rock Church, and Southeast Christian Church.
Learn more about the Douglas County Homeless Initiative online and sign up for email updates. To donate to Douglas Has Heart, visit our webpage.