You know Douglas County for its majestic views and breathtaking open spaces. Yet, because wildfires are the No. 1 natural hazard threat here, living amongst this beauty comes with a responsibility, both for public and private landowners.
Douglas County has a plan to manage wildfire risk and maintain forest health on County properties and is leveraging state partnerships to implement it.
This week, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners accepted $354,000 in matching grant funds from the State’s 2023-24 Forest Restoration and Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) program. Douglas County will also contribute $354,000 for a total investment of $708,000 to improve forest health and reduce wildfire risk at Sandstone Ranch and Open Space in Larkspur, adjacent to the Pike National Forest.
Within the County’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan and Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Plan, areas near the Pike National Forest, including Sandstone Ranch, have been identified as being at high risk for wildfire. Strategies to reduce risk and maintain forest health will include the creation of a shaded fuel break and thinning and removal of ladder fuels – low-hanging fuels that can spread a ground fire to treetops. The 2024 work will build on previous work at Sandstone.
“One square mile in Douglas County represents $111 million in property values. Together, we can mitigate against the potential impact of a wildfire on our community,” said Commissioner Abe Laydon, chair of the Douglas County Wildfire Action Collaborative. “Working with our partners through the Wildfire Action Collaborative, we will continue to protect you and your family and hit wildfires hard heavy and fast.”
The Douglas County Wildfire Action Collaborative exists to facilitate innovative approaches for bolstering community wildfire resilience among regional partner agencies including Castle Rock Fire and Rescue, City of Castle Pines, City of Lone Tree, Colorado State Forest Service, CORE Electric, Douglas County Community Foundation, Douglas County Search and Rescue, Parker Water and Sanitation District, South Metro Fire Rescue, United States Forest Service, West Metro Fire and Rescue, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Douglas County.
The Collaborative has supported County programs such as the Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Wildfire Evaluation Risk Map, Wildfire Mitigation Defensible Space Program and Aerial Support contracts.
You can also do your part to prepare for wildfires by doing mitigation work around your property and creating a defensible space between vegetation and your home and using the County’s free slash-mulch site.
Please also sign up every phone line in your household for CodeRED notifications, ensuring you receive emergency notifications. If you, or someone in your household, is an older adult or person with a disability and may need extra assistance in the event of an evacuation, please sign up for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Access and Functional Needs Registry.