Youth throughout Douglas County submitted applications for consideration and were selected for community involvement and level of engagement and then placed on the new Douglas County Youth Commission (DCYC).
The Commission’s structure is to act in an advisory capacity to the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners, BOCC, on matters pertaining to the youth and teen population in the county. The Youth Commission will provide an opportunity for students to learn more about their local government, participate in the process, and represent and articulate the needs of our community’s young citizens.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Anamaria Abano
Gavin Bacon
Larissa Buerger
Janie Cahill
Preston Canter
Sydney Cohen
Kylen Dierks
Haylee Gunias
Aslynn Hancock
Lilyan Higgs
Addison Ledford
Annika Lundmark
Arnav Markanda
Kayla Mateer
Ruhan Nashid
Alex O’Shea
Ren Rosenberg
Mateo Ryan
Kaelani Salinas
Catherine Stith
Zoe Swant
Vidyaa Vaish
Tara Huesen
Katherine Whitmore
Owen Wicks